Onze familiestambomen


Treffers 22,451 t/m 22,500 van 83,377

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 #   Aantekeningen   Verbonden met 
22451 bron tweede huwelijk marie therese: http://gw0.geneanet.org/baertgruloos?lang=nl;pz=tom+noel+rachel;nz=baert;ocz=0;p=petrus;n=vandendriessche VANDENDRIESSCHE, Petrus (I79671)
22452 bron van dez tak:
CARLIER, Guillaume Francois (I100659)
22453 bron voorouders:
DE MEYER, Petrus (I252349)
22454 bron:

FOSTER, Frederick (I117722)
22455 Bron:
boek Oh Meine Papa: René Corneille Deboeck 1913-1985

Firstnames: René Corneille. Profession: Industrialist, Entrepreneur, Knight of the Order of Leopold II, 10 May 1954
Producer of mechanical lace. Deboeck Gebroeders, PVBA Vilvoorde 1941-1972 

My father was born on August 25, 1913; he was the fourth child of Guillaume and Joanna.  Their first child, Josephine, was born on  May 20,  1897 (five months after the wedding). My father's elder brother Joseph was born a year later on December 6, 1898; his younger brother Pieter (called Pierre) was born two years later on October 5, 1900. Thus, my father was 16 years younger than his sister, Josephine; 15 years younger than his elder brother, Joseph; and 13 years younger than his brother Pierre. 
Some time after the birth of their third child, Guillaume and Joanna left the factory, where they had met each other. Joanne  probably left right before the birth of Josephine. In four years time she delivered three children! Maybe Guillaume stayed working for the factory until he had the money and opportunity to set up his own small family business at home. 
When my father was born my father's grandfather, Everard, had already passed away; he  died in 1881 (seven years after Guillaume was born). My father's grandmother, Gertrude Verhaegen,  died in 1917,  only four years after my father was born. So my father grew up without paternal grandparents (and he lost his father when he was barely 12 years old). The impact of growing up without grandparents and loosing your father early in life) will be discussed later in this book.
In 1913, the year my father was born,  Belgium was soon to be occupied by the Germans. The German invasion of Belgium was a military campaign. The Belgian government announced it would uphold its historic neutrality in case of war. On August 2, 1914 the German government sent an ultimatum to Belgium demanding its armies could obtain passage through the country to invade France. The Belgian government refused and in consequence on August 4, 1914 Germany declared war and troops crossed into Belgium.  Fighting in World War I went on until water of the IJzer River flooded the low lands; the war ended on November 11, 1918 . This was a year or two before my father entered primary school. The childhood years of my father  will be discussed in Section 2.
When my father had barely finished the first half of secondary school, his father died of a severe illness in Ukkel, a suburb of Brussels.  Guillaume died a month before reaching his 51th birthday.  This was in 1925, seven years after the end of World War I and six years before my father performed his military service.  Since military service was mandatory my father probably started his military service in 1932. More on the military service of my father and the period of the Second World War will follow later in this book.   
Around the turn of the century, Guillaume  had started a small business for winding  thread onto bobbins ("afwinding van draad op spoelen"). After  Guillaume's death in 1925, his widow Joanna together with her four children continued the family business under the name of "De Boeck Widow" (from 1936 onwards under the name "De Boeck Widow and Children"). 
This small family business evolved into an embroidery workplace. In a letter written in 1906 Guillaume asked the authorities  in Vilvoorde for permission to setup an embroidery workplace. Many years later in 1941 this small family business was transformed into a company  for the production of mechanical lace. 
In January 1941 the Deboeck Gebroeders PVBA ("Personen Vennootshap met Beperkte Aansprakelijkheid" or company with limited responsibilities) was established. This company was setup with an original capital of 440,000 Belgian francs (about the equivalent of $15,000 US$ in 2016). Joanna, who was not a founding partner, contributed days after she became 65 in February 1941, an additional 240,000 Belgian francs (or $8,000 US$) to the capital of this company. One year later Johanna died on May 4, 1942 
My father, who was in his late twenties at that time, met Marie Louise Girardin on a dance evening in Pajotteland. He fell in love with her, he proposed to her, she accepted,  and they married on August 25, 1943. 
From 1941 till 1972 my father managed the Deboeck Gebroeders PVBA making mechanical lace for Belgium and several countries in Europe. For more read

Source: Oh Meine Papa: René Corneille Deboeck 1913-1985, by Guido Deboeck, 2016, www.blurb.com 
DEBOECK, René Corneille (I36156)
22456 bron:
DE ROOCK, Gerrit Willem Allard (I139886)
22457 bron:
MONDELAERS, Adrianus (I110446)
22458 bron:
BENSE, Carl Ludwig (I104399)
22459 bron:
PERCHERON, Emma (I119958)
22460 bron:
PERCHERON, Maurice (I119959)
22461 bron:
DETAILLEUR, Michel (I83510)
22462 bron:

zie ook geboorteakte reynerus celis: 10-3-1632 te Wijer (Limburg)
CLUYSEN, Elisabeth (I89650)
22463 bron:
Margaretha (I89653)
22464 bron:
CLUYSEN, Renerus (I89654)
22465 bron:
DECOCK, Pieter (I263617)
22466 bron:
MOLLU, Marcel (I223706)
22467 bron:
DE MEYER, Ghisbertus (I252361)
22468 bron:
DE MEYER, Paulus (I252357)
22469 bron:
DE NEVE, Adriana (I252352)
22470 bron:
CROHIN, Jean Isidore (I166411)
22471 bron:
COESSENS, Laurent (I265613)
22472 Bron:
Oh Meine Papa: René Corneille Deboeck 1913-1985, by Guido Deboeck, 2016, www.blurb.com 
DEBOECK, Guillaume (I36245)
22473 Bron:

VAN ZEEBROECK, Joanna (I85271)
22474 bron:

LO-RENINGE - De koekjesfabriek Jules Destrooper is al vier generaties in handen van de familie Destrooper. Stichter Jules Destrooper leefde van 1856 tot 1934. hij was gehuwd met Felicie Verweirder. Het echtpaar had drie kinderen, onder wie nog een Jules (1893-1973). 

Het kon bijna niet anders of Jules junior zou het bedrijf verderzetten. Uit zijn huwelijk met Elvire Ghyselen kwamen elf kinderen voort. Jean (geboren in 1924) en broer Hubert (1925-1997) namen samen de leiding van de fabriek op zich.

Hubert huwde Irena D'hoore. Zij kregen vier kinderen. Twee van hen, Patriek en Peter, kochten de biscuiterie in 1984 van vader Hubert en oom Jean.

Patriek stond in voor de koekjesproductie en de aankoop van grondstoffen, zijn acht jaar jongere broer Peter nam de administratie en het commerciële aspect en later ook de financiën op zich.

In 2001 haakte Patriek af voor zijn eigen bedrijf, Noble Chocolates, en werd Peter alleen bedrijfsleider. Patriek zetelt wel nog in de raad van bestuur van Destrooper. 
DESTROOPER, Hubert (I108676)
22475 Bron:
DE DONCKER, Wilhelmus (I85270)
22476 bron: : https://gw.geneanet.org/ignaasb?lang=nl&pz=liselotte&nz=buyck&p=lisette&n=fraeye FRAEYE, Felix (I120173)
22477 Bron: De Tijd
Datum: 10 november 2005 
TROGH, Eddy (I100380)
22478 bron: dermaut nicole
zie ook: http://gw.geneanet.org/francoisverbeke1?lang=nl&p=richard&n=stepman 
STEPMAN, Richardus (I72058)
22479 bron: familie Van Everbroeck 1570-1983 (Arthur Van Everbroeck)

gehuwd Duffel Brabant 
VAN EVERBROECK, Guillielmus (I154852)
22480 bron: familie Van Everbroeck 1570-1983 (Arthur Van Everbroeck)
begraven in het Begijnhof te Mechelen 
VAN EVERBROECK, Maria Filipina (I156767)
22481 bron: familie Van Everbroeck 1570-1983 (Arthur Van Everbroeck)
overleden te Praag 
VAN EVERBROECK, Anna (I156738)
22482 bron: familie Van Everbroeck 1570-1983 (Arthur Van Everbroeck)
verhuisd naar Tervuren.
4 dochters 
VAN EVERBROECK, Franciscus (I156733)
22483 bron: familie Van Everbroeck 1570-1983 (Arthur Van Everbroeck)
vermoedelijk overleden te Praag 
VAN EVERBROECK, Katelijne (I156736)
22484 bron: familie Van Everbroeck 1570-1983 (Arthur Van Everbroeck) VAN EVERBROECK, Joannes (I154854)
22485 bron: familie Van Everbroeck 1570-1983 (Arthur Van Everbroeck) VAN EVERBROECK, Jesper Jan (I154856)
22486 bron: familie Van Everbroeck 1570-1983 (Arthur Van Everbroeck) WALRANTS, Katlijn (I154857)
22487 bron: familie Van Everbroeck 1570-1983 (Arthur Van Everbroeck) VAN EVERBROECK, Jan Hans (I154858)
22488 bron: familie Van Everbroeck 1570-1983 (Arthur Van Everbroeck) RADEMACKERS, Antoinette (I154859)
22489 bron: familie Van Everbroeck 1570-1983 (Arthur Van Everbroeck) VAN EVERBROECK, Antonius (I156726)
22490 bron: familie Van Everbroeck 1570-1983 (Arthur Van Everbroeck) VAN EVERBROECK, Katelijn (I156727)
22491 bron: familie Van Everbroeck 1570-1983 (Arthur Van Everbroeck) VAN EVERBROECK, Adam Ambrosius (I156731)
22492 bron: familie Van Everbroeck 1570-1983 (Arthur Van Everbroeck) VAN EVERBROECK, Adriaan Vincentius (I156732)
22493 bron: familie Van Everbroeck 1570-1983 (Arthur Van Everbroeck) VAN EVERBROECK, Cornelius (I156734)
22494 bron: familie Van Everbroeck 1570-1983 (Arthur Van Everbroeck) VAN EVERBROECK, Henricus (I156735)
22495 bron: familie Van Everbroeck 1570-1983 (Arthur Van Everbroeck) VAN EVERBROECK, Gomaar (I156737)
22496 bron: familie Van Everbroeck 1570-1983 (Arthur Van Everbroeck) SERANS, Louis (I156739)
22497 bron: familie Van Everbroeck 1570-1983 (Arthur Van Everbroeck) BECKX, Agnes (I156740)
22498 bron: familie Van Everbroeck 1570-1983 (Arthur Van Everbroeck) VERHULST, Elisabeth (I156742)
22499 bron: familie Van Everbroeck 1570-1983 (Arthur Van Everbroeck) HERREMANS, Bernard (I156743)
22500 bron: familie Van Everbroeck 1570-1983 (Arthur Van Everbroeck) VAN EVERBROECK, Joannes (I156744)

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