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Treffers 13,451 t/m 13,500 van 83,377

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 #   Aantekeningen   Verbonden met 
13451 14 nivos VII LAHAYE, Dery Susanna (I149243)
13452 14 nivose jaar XII DE ROY, Elisabeth (I139183)
13453 14 nivose XII VAN CAEMELBEKE, Marie Catherine (I70030)
13454 14 nivose XII Gezin F38512
13455 14 nivose XIII LANTHONY, Jean Baptiste (I143794)
13456 14 pluviose II PARRENT, Pierre (I9042)
13457 14 pluviose IX Gezin F79338
13458 14 pluviose VI VAN KERREBROECK, Regina (I196404)
13459 14 pluviose XII MARCHAL, Simoen (I8618)
13460 14 pluviose XIV VANDEMEULEBROECKE, Petrus Ignatius (I21147)
13461 14 pluviose XIV SERRUYS, Paul Vital (I133496)
13462 14 prairial 7 DERMAUT, Pierre Jean (I23688)
13463 14 prairial V VANDERBEELE, Maria Theresia Barbara (I68147)
13464 14 prairial VI WAUTERS, Josephus (I48972)
13465 14 prairial XII DURNEZ, Petrus Joannes (I24905)
13466 14 prairial XII DE CANDT, Fidelius (I109126)
13467 14 thermidor I SALLEMEY, Constantia Cecilia (I72249)
13468 14 thermidor VI DE GRANDE, Joanna (I31451)
13469 14 thermidor XI Gezin F39767
13470 14 thermidor XII HARDY, Gertrudis (I143179)
13471 14 thermidor XIII DE DOBBELAERE, Emmanuel (I49847)
13472 Tenminste nog één levende persoon is verbonden aan deze aantekening - detailgegevens worden niet weergegeven. Gezin F449
13473 14 vendemiaire II DOOGHE, Amelia Barbara Francisca (I71829)
13474 14 vendemiaire IX VANDEWIELE, Seraphine (I73988)
13475 14 vendemiaire V DIERICK, Theresia (I29022)
13476 14 vendémiaire V DURNEZ, Carolus Ignatius (I181041)
13477 14 vendemiaire XII ANTHONISSEN, Cornelis (I61854)
13478 14 vendemiaire XIV DE KOSTER, Petrus (I70687)
13479 14 ventose V SECEMBER, Petrus Ghislenus (I86204)
13480 14 ventose VII BONTE, Marie Regina (I71166)
13481 14 ventose X AVET, Emmanuel (I82512)
13482 14 ventose X TUYTENS, Francois (I180299)
13483 14 ventôse XI VERMAUT, Marie Joanne (I24876)
13484 14 ventose XII DE SCHAUWER, Anna Carolina (I131622)
13485 14-1-1831 ? DESNOUCK, Ursula (I35477)
13486 Tenminste nog één levende persoon is verbonden aan deze aantekening - detailgegevens worden niet weergegeven. Gezin F64357
13487 Tenminste nog één levende persoon is verbonden aan deze aantekening - detailgegevens worden niet weergegeven. Gezin F23200
13488 14.30 u SPELEERS, Marie Anne (I860)
13489 14092 DEWAER, Maria, geboren op 26-05-1932 te Buizingen, overleden op 19-06-2010 te Buizingen op 78-jarige leeftijd, echtgenote van Dammans Jozef. Buizingen, Don-Boscokerk op vrijdag 25 juni om 10 uur. De families Dewaer, Dammans, Luckx en Pocket. DEWAER, Maria (I235612)
13490 1428: keurvorst van Saksen
Vijftiende gekende schakel van het huis van Wettin en Saksen.


major European dynasty, genealogically traceable to the start of the 10th century AD. Its earliest known ancestors were active in pushing Germany's frontier eastward into formerly Slav territory; and by the end of the 1080s two of their descendants, brothers, held not only the countship of Wettin (on a crossing of the Saale River downstream from Halle), but also, farther east, the margravate of Meissen (on the Elbe River). The Wettins of Meissen vastly enlarged their line's territory by becoming landgraves of Thuringia in 1264 and electors of Saxony in 1423.

Of major importance was the division of the Wettin dynasty into Ernestine and Albertine lines in 1485. The Albertines secured the electorate of Saxony from the Ernestines in 1547. The Ernestines retained thereafter some less important possessions in Thuringia which they constantly subdivided between themselves. Their possessions became known as the Saxon duchies and included
Saxe-Weimar, saksen-Coburg, saksen-Eisenach, saksen-Altenburg, and saksen-Gotha, among others. In the 19th and 20th centuries the Ernestine Wettins of the saksen-Coburg branch rose to unprecedented heights. One became king of the Belgians as Leopold I in 1831, and another, Albert, married the British queen Victoria in 1840 and was the ancestor of five successive British
sovereigns (though the name Wettin was rarely cited in England, and that of the house of saksen-Coburg-Gotha was officially changed, for the British, to the house of Windsor in 1917). Yet another Ernestine, Ferdinand, married Maria II of Portugal in 1836 and was the founder of the Portuguese royal house that reigned from 1853 to 1910. And finally, a fourth Ernestine became
prince of Bulgaria in 1887 and king in 1908, as Ferdinand I, with his descendant reigning until 1946.

The Albertines were electors of Saxony from 1547 and kings from 1806 to 1918. They also provided two kings of Poland, Augustus II and Augustus III, between 1697 and 1763. See also Saxon duchies; Windsor, house of.

Saxon duchies,

also called ERNESTINE DUCHIES, German SÄCHSISCHE HERZOGTÜMER, or ERNESTINISCHE HERZOGTÜMER, several former states in the Thuringian region of east-central Germany, ruled by members of the Ernestine branch of the house of Wettin between 1485 and 1918; today their territory occupies Thuringia Land (state) and a small portion of northern Bavaria Land
in Germany.

The house of Wettin had accumulated possessions in Thuringia from the middle decades of the 13th century onward. It received the Pleissnerland, centred at Altenburg, from the Holy Roman emperor Frederick II in 1243; won the landgraviate of Thuringia, with control over the Eisenach and Gotha areas, in 1264, after the war of 1256-63; obtained Neustadt by marriage to the heiress of Arnshaugk in 1300; acquired Coburg and Hildburghausen from the house of Henneberg, and Weimar from that of Orlamünde,
between 1347 and 1374; and purchased Saalfeld from Schwarzburg in 1389 and Weida from the house of the Vögte (imperial advocates) in 1410-27. The accession of the Wettins to the electorate of Saxony in 1423 gave rise to the use of the prefix saksen- (German: Sachsen-) for their dynastic ramifications in Thuringia.

The Ernestine duchies originated in 1485, when the electorate of Saxony was partitioned between Ernest and Albert, the sons of Elector Frederick II. The title of elector (i.e., a prince with the right to participate in choosing the Holy Roman emperor) was kept by Ernest, and by his son Frederick III the Wise (reigned 1486-1525), who was the protector of Martin Luther. The Ernestine line lost the electoral title and much of its territory in 1547 but retained Weimar (with Jena), Gotha, Eisenach, Saalfeld, and Coburg
and later recovered Altenburg, Eisenberg (1554), and other lands (including Meiningen) in 1583. From then until the early 19th century, the Ernestine lands underwent successive divisions and regroupings. The most outstanding ruler of saksen-Weimar-Eisenach was Charles Augustus (duke from 1775 to 1828), patron of the great German writers Goethe, Herder, and Schiller, under whom Weimar was the intellectual heart of Germany. All the Ernestine duchies in 1807 adhered to the Confederation of the Rhine, organized by Napoleon, and in 1815 became sovereign members of the German Confederation.

From 1826 there were four duchies: the grand duchy of saksen-Weimar-Eisenach (Sachsen-Weimar-Eisenach); the duchy of
Saxe-Meiningen-Hildburghausen (Sachsen-Meiningen-Hildburghausen); the duchy of saksen-Altenburg (Sachsen-Altenburg); and the duchy of saksen-Coburg-Gotha (Sachsen-Coburg und Gotha). The territories of the duchies were fragmented, and in the same area there were several exclaves of Prussian and other territories. saksen-Meiningen-Hildburghausen sided with Austria in the Seven Weeks' War (1866); the other duchies with victorious Prussia. All joined the North German Confederation (1867) and the
German Empire in 1871. In the German revolution of 1918 all the Ernestine rulers abdicated, and in 1920 their former lands were merged in the new Thuringia, with the exception of Coburg, which joined Bavaria.

The saksen-Coburg-Gotha branch in the 19th and 20th centuries became one of the most prominently connected of the European dynasties: one of its members became the first king of Belgium in 1831 as Leopold I. Another, Albert, became the prince consort of Queen Victoria of Great Britain in 1840, and from them have descended the five British sovereigns of the 20th century. A third, Ferdinand, became the prince consort of Queen Maria II of Portugal in 1836, and from them descended the Portuguese royal dynasty that reigned from 1853 until 1910. A fourth was chosen prince of Bulgaria in 1887 and founded a dynasty that reigned there until 1946. 
Friedrich de Zachtmoedige (I36228)
13491 1464: keurvosrt van Saksen
Stichter van de Ernestijnse tak.
founded the Ernestine dynasty 
Ernst (I36226)
13492 14d oud bij overlijden
° akte zie kopie Bevere nr 49

† zie kopie akte nr 27 
DERMAUT, Anne Marie (I33020)
13493 14j 7m bij overlijden
† Gegevens van de akte nr. 42 
PIETERS, Ludovicus (I80596)
13494 14j bij overlijden
° zie kopie akte nr 6
+ zie kopie akte nr 40 
DERMAUT, Catherina (I33021)
13495 15 VAN MUYLEM, Rogier (I248158)
13496 15 brumaire III GEYSEN, Egide Benoit (I59944)
13497 15 brumaire IV DEKEYSER, Pierre Joseph (I32309)
13498 15 brumaire VIII RAMOUDT, Henricus Josephus Leonard (I72417)
13499 15 brumaire XIII VANDAELE, Ferdinand (I62373)
13500 15 floreal IX Gezin F8867

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